Step 1
Make a pocket milling and use
an appropriate tool. DXF files are
available on demand

Step 2
The excess wood should not be
more than 2.0 - 3.0 mm thick

Step 3
Carefully clean the routing and
sand the pocket milling in the next step

Step 4
Sand the surface of the milling

Step 5
Use a wood primer for best adhesive properties, prior to that remove all dust etc.

Step 6
Remove the protective film from the double-sided tape*

Step 7
Insert the speaker carefully

Step 8
Don‘t use to much force when
pressing down, you must not press down the exciter drivers!

Step 9
Speaker is ready for cable connection. You can use a cerasonar backbox as option (e.g. 9062 backbox).

Step 10
Attached the bracket on rear of the speaker. This serves as an additional mechanical safety measure.

Step 11
Now screw the bracket, use the pre-drilled holes. Do not overtighten the screws!
Test the speaker now.

Step 12
To install the cerasonar wood installation backbox, an installation groove must be provided in the wooden panel.

Step 13
OPTIONAL BACKBOX MOUNT: The groove is filled with a suitable adhesive (e.g. Würth Bond + Seal).

Step 14
OPTIONAL BACKBOX MOUNT: The speaker cables are connected with the correct polarity. The backbox is then pressed into the groove filled with adhesive.