cerasonar 1520 fit
cerasonar 1520 fit

cerasonar 1520 fit

Обычная цена€250,95

Простые в установке и занимающие мало места модели cerasonar fit series наполнят музыкой и жизнью даже самую маленькую комнату. Будь то ванная комната, кухня, гостиная или прихожая. 

По мере того, как невидимые колонки становились все более и более популярными в помещениях с повышенной влажностью, таких как ванные комнаты или плавательные бассейнах, спа-салонах, а также в лодках и яхтах, мы разработали эту серию для защиты от влаги вплоть до мельчайших деталей. детали. Она чрезвычайно устойчива в помещениях с высокой влажностью и гарантирует Вам очень чистый и динамичный звук. 

Легкая и неглубокая конструкция fit series предлагают Преимущество в том, что он точно вписывается в пространство наиболее распространенных встраиваемых колонок. Несмотря на свои небольшие размеры, колонки cerasonar fit series обеспечивает выдающееся гармоничное звучание звук, который особенно популярен в гостиничном бизнесе, туризме, и круизной индустрии для усиления фонового звука.

  • Номинальная мощность: 25 Вт RMS (50 Вт макс.)
  • Импеданс: 8 Ом
  • Частотный диапазон: 100 - 18.000 гц*.
  • Частотный диапазон с керамическим усилителем: 80 - 20.000 гц*
  • максимальный SPL: 97 дБ
  • Диапазон рассеивания: 180° x 180° h./v.
  • Одиночный стереорежим: нет
  • Гипсокартон: Только 1-слойный гипсокартон 12,5 мм
  • Установка: устанавливаются в центре гипсокартона для улучшения отдачи низких частот
  • Вырез для установки: 20,0 x 16,5 см
  • Размеры: 23,4 x 16,3 x 5,3 см.
  • Вес: 0,3 кг

* в зависимости от ситуации установки

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  • cerasonar transformator 100v - 20w
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  • cerasonar cs-2000dsp4 amp
  • каркас cerasonar/backbox 1520
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Kaiser Fire-protection housing FlamoX®
Kaiser 9435-03 datasheet - DOWNLOAD

cad чертеж cerasonar 1520 fit

cerasonar 1520 fit - fullrange
file name: 1270-FR-FRAME
(low bass response below 100 Hz, satelitte preset incl. subwoofer highly recommended!)

  • cs-500dsp4 v2 - DOWNLOAD
  • cs-2000dsp4 - DOWNLOAD


cerasonar 1520 fit - high pass @ 120 Hz (additional subwoofer required)
file name: 1270-HP-FRAME

  • cs-500dsp4 v2 - DOWNLOAD
  • cs-2000dsp4 - DOWNLOAD

* We recommend using the additionally available installation frame (backbox) for perfect reproduction of the result.


you could fill any room with your favourite music

Without any visible wires. With maximum freedom of installation and fascinating sound quality.


As soon as you enter the room, you are greeted with first-class sound. The easy to install and space-saving models of the cerasonar fit series fill even the smallest room with music and life.

Where conventional loudspeaker solutions mean considerable loss of space and unaesthetic cables, our cerasonar fit series gives you the freedom to unfold yourself in your home.


Whether in the bathtub, under the morning shower or as live music accompaniment when cooking with friends, you will experience your favourite piece of music all over again.

The cerasonar fit series was designed by us to be moisture-proof down to the smallest detail. It is extremely stable in rooms with high humidity such as bathrooms or swimming pools, spa areas as well as in boats and yachts and guarantees you a very clear and dynamic sound.

Upgrade option

Do you dislike the constant dusting of your loudspeakers? Existing, visible in-wall loudspeakers can be removed cleanly, depending on the model, and replaced at any time with an invisible cerasonar series.

The fit series offers you the advantage that it fits precisely into the space of the most common in-wall speakers. Due to the small installation depth it is the right choice for demanding installation situations.

From our customers


I have been very fond of the invisible cerasonar loudspeakers since the beginning of 2015. This is due in part to the crisply honest manner of founder and inventor Ulrich Ranke, but certainly also to the equally honest way of developing loudspeakers that are as close as possible to the original.

Wolfgang Höhne

Dipl.-Ing (FH) Interior Design www.wolfganghoehne.com


As an electrician, I have already installed various invisible cerasonar speakers for customers. The panels can be inserted into the ceiling or wall very quickly and can be trowelled over cleanly. So far, all customers have been very satisfied! I can definitely recommend the company!

Eric Hartje

Electrician in Bremen, Germany

popular in

hotel, tourism and cruise industry

an unforgettable holiday
For your guests

Increase the well-being of your guests on their way to the excursion day, to the spa area or to the evening dinner with music in excellent quality.Despite its small size, the cerasonar fit series delivers an outstandingly harmonious sound, which is particularly popular in the hotel, tourism and cruise industry for background sound reinforcement.

Flexibly combinable with 70 and 100 Volt transformer systems, our smallest series takes every opportunity to give your guests an unforgettable stay.

fit series

how to | install

100 percent customer satisfaction

Our service includes a 5-year warranty. Our product liability insurance (only valid in Germany) in cooperation with AachenMünchener provides protection against property damage and bears the full costs for a possible restoration. A prerequisite is the registration with us in our company. Each of our cerasonar loudspeakers comes with comprehensive, easy-to-understand installation instructions in picture and video format, which even makes subsequent installation in existing walls extremely easy.

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